• Slideshow – New

What are you for?

We are for creating more housing of all types, in all neighborhoods, for all levels of income. We are for jobs. We are for opportunity. We are for change. We are for innovation. We are for progress. We are for growth! We are for jobs. We are for opportunity. We are for change. We are for innovation. We are for progress. We are for growth!


Register Today for 2015 Housing Summit

This is a reminder about next month’s housing summit. We really would benefit from having lots of builders from Seattle attend, especially at this time when our city is the focus of a great deal of attention around the region. Will Seattle grow sensibly? Will we continue to have a housing market in Seattle, or […]

Seattle Times: Dumb Growth Seattle?

At the Seattle Times yesterday columnist Jon Talton posted a very simple poll question. Is Seattle growing too fast, dumb, or just right? I answered “Just right” almost reflexively because I know that there is a lot behind the ideas of growth being “too fast” or “too dumb.” Obviously, we’re growth champions. But when I […]

Yobi Apartments: What Microhousing Could Have Been

It’s been almost a year since the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (PLUS) Committee under the leadership of Councilmember Mike O’Brien outlawed microhousing in Seattle. I can still remember Councilmember Burgess chiding the audience that the legislation passed would have no effect on the production of microhousing, even as a letter was arriving from the […]