Forterra Supports Microhousing

Forterra, Washington’s leading land conservation organization, supports microhousing.

In a letter sent to the City Council today, Forterra executive director Gene Duvernoy said,

As Forterra recognized a decade ago in the Cascade Agenda, accessible, welcoming cities are key to our region’s sustainability and the preservation of the working and wild landscapes critical for our sense of place and adaptation to climate change. That said, our cities must also serve all our citizens—both those who may have been here a very long time and those who just moved here. Changes require an understanding and respect for perspectives old and new.

Forterra also agrees that the size of microhousing should remain flexible.

Decreasing the current minimum unit size and allowing the inclusion of kitchen or food preparation areas to be flexible to meet market demand. Such flexibility will allow for more housing choices and options to reflect the desires of new residents and the impact of technology and lifestyle in how we live today.

Today, at 2PM, the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee will consider legislation that would impose size minimums that would make many if not all microhousing projects impractical.
Consensus from regional leaders is that this is a mistake. Councilmember Mike O’Brien will lead legislation through the Council process over the next two weeks. Council needs to hear from as many people as possible that size minimums will take away choices from future Seattle residents looking for housing.

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