Summer Reruns: Nothing But Flowers, A progressive Thatcher for the Northwest
This weeks theme for The Best of Seattle For Growth is, “Nothing But Flowers Week.” And we’ll start with something that is older than you are, from a Facebook post back in January of 2012. I had become familiar with the Talking Heads song Nothing But Flowers like everyone else; it was a huge hit. […]
Summer Reruns: It Isn’t Too Early to Say it: “I told you so!”
I’m taking a break. And so the blog here is in reruns. Back when there was television, Johnny Carson would sometimes turn over his desk to a guest host. Other times they would run reruns as, “The Best of Carson.” So this is The Best of Seattle For Growth.” I decided this week to go […]
Summer Reruns: The Wheels on the Horse Go ‘Round and ‘Round: The Council Passes MHA
I’m taking a break. And so the blog here is in reruns. Back when there was television, Johnny Carson would sometimes turn over his desk to a guest host. Other times they would run reruns as, “The Best of Carson.” So this is The Best of Seattle For Growth.” I decided this week to go […]