Big demand for small homes on small lots

Take a read through this great post by Kaid Benfield on the Ten things planners need to know about the future real estate market. Among other things, Benfield points out that a recent analysis Suggests that the growth in demand for new housing over the next 30 years will consist primarily of demand for smaller […]

Big News: Man Builds House!

Evidently, in Seattle, someone building a house is big news. Front page news for the Seattle Times. But here’s the thing. The house being built looks like this: And just down the block, three houses away, is this: How the neighbors and Lynn Thompson at the Times would see this new house as out of […]

The Case for Increasing Housing Supply, Choice, and Diversity

Last week I posted at the Seattle Transit Blog about a report that’s gotten a lot of attention in the media. The researchers analyzed lots of economic data and found that when people with different levels of incomes live more closely together, those with lower incomes tend to do better in the long run; in […]