“I Believe I Can Fly,” and Other Fantasies About MIZ

In case you missed it, the slow motion car crash called Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) just moved a few frames forward. The Seattle City Council passed it’s framework for downtown upzones in it’s Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) scheme to wring cash out of developers to buy pricey subsidized units from non-profit housing developers. I won’t […]

A New Candidate for Mayor: Welcome Home!

We have no great candidates running for office in Seattle today. But I have this fantasy of a candidacy for the rest of us; a candidacy for hard working people that are open minded, want fairness and justice, but are tired of traffic, feeling unsafe, and wishing we could solve the problem of rising prices. This […]

Letter to the Editor: Follow Up from Mike Scott

Yesterday I posted my letter to the Seattle Times about an upcoming story they appeared to be putting together. The story ran and it had the usual Mad Lib headline:  After brief slowdown, Seattle-area rents surge back up again; when will it end? Well not too long passed before I got this e-mail in my in box: […]