Defining “Affordable”

I think the way we talk about affordability isn’t just sloppy it actually makes the problem worse. When we talk about what affordable means we need a better measure. I have an article in the September edition of the Master Builder Magazine that takes this topic up yet again. My original post on this was from […]

Abutting Lot Decision: What Could it Mean for MIZ?

In yesterday’s post I gave a simple explanation of what I think, as a lay person, Judge Barbara Mack’s Decision meant. Today I’m going to speculate about how a challenge of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) based on RCW 82.02.020, the plain language of which formed the basis of Judge Mack’s decision, might play out. There are […]

Abutting Lot Decision: What Does it Mean?

The basis of Judge Barbara Mack’s decision overturning the City’s abutting lot ordinance was Washington State law. She wrote: This decision is based on the plain words of the statute, and the following applicable cases: Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights v. Sims, 145 Wn.App 649 (2008) (holding that the clearing limitations of a county ordinance were not reasonably necessary […]