Foreign Investor Menace? No, Just Build More Housing!

There is a scary story being told around campfires and coffee shops about shadowy foreign investors, mainly from China, who are buying up all the housing in Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. and then leaving the housing vacant. This, the story goes, is why rents have been going up. As the problem spreads local media and even […]

You’ve Come a Long Way on Housing Supply, Seattle; Sort of

I remember it clearly, and to protect the guilty I won’t name names. But the conversation was about — what else? — housing, and I was with a person who worked for the Mayor’s office at the time and some other familiar faces of urbanism. Why, I asked wasn’t the Mayor’s housing committee (yes there […]

Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going

Each year, as part of my annual report to our board, funders, and allies, I write a kind of State of Smart Growth introduction. It’s also intended to be encouragement for our sometimes beaten down side  of the growth, housing, and density argument — and for me who is the guy that does this all […]