Remembering the Fundamentals: Price as Signal for Housing and Sustainability
I am always on the search for simple and short explanations of really complex and important ideas. This 4 minute video isn’t bad. It conveys quickly what this whole housing discussion is all about. First, remember, that what we want is a great city. A great city would create livable density with lots of jobs […]
Tale of Two Maps: Seattle Mayor and Council Draw New Redline
National Geographic has a very interesting post called, “Newly Released Maps Show How Housing Discrimination Happened.” The post highlights a project called Mapping Inequality led by Nathan Connolly, an urban historian at Johns Hopkins University and others at the National Archives that digitized maps made by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation known as HOLC. The HOLC was […]
Give Your Opinion on Rezone Maps
I’m not really sure how or whether the data will be used, but the City has an interesting interactive survey about the latest maps it has released showing proposed zoning changes as part of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ). The survey is hosted by and online survey tool that uses a slider and a visual […]