A Small Landlord Explains Rents, Market, and Why Caps Won’t Help Renters
The constant outrage over and focus on month to month increases in rent and rent increases overall is leading to calls for rent control and other measures to penalize landlords for rent increases. This misses an important point. Landlords make rent increases and pace them out over time based on various factors. When rents don’t […]
What is Causing Seattle’s Slide Toward Being the Next San Francisco?
I’ve already written about the San Francisco Death Spiral: limit supply, prices go up, blame developers and landlords, impose supply killing regulation, watch prices go up, repeat. Well, we’re right at the top of the spiral and getting ready to take the plunge. Local wannabe elected officials don’t have the intellectual acuity to offer solutions […]
Seattle’s Aggrievement Industry is Growing Too
As Seattle has grown we’ve seen a lot of new jobs and the growth that comes with it. One of the areas of growth in the new economy is the aggrievement industry, the business of cataloging and stirring up the concerns, worries, and anxieties people feel about the changes created by economic growth and opportunity. […]