Seattle’s New Bike Parking Requirements Show How Regulation Kills Housing
I’m often greeted with some skepticism when I make the point that regulation is making housing prices worse. Some people just don’t believe it, instead blaming greed or Amazon. Others dismiss what I’m saying as libertarianism; we shouldn’t have any rules! But David Neiman, an architect and an expert at explaining how bad rules and […]
From a Builder: Rent Control Will Kill 39 Unit Project
This morning at 10:00 in Olympia House Bill 2583 will have a hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee. The legislation would repeal what amounts to a ban on local governments enacting rent control, a widely discredited and failed policy of price controlling housing. That we are even arguing about rent control is a […]
From a Builder: Forced Into a Corner
A few years ago I got a call (as I often do) from a housing builder who had some issues with his project. We talked through them then and he kept going. More than three years later he got in touch to let me know the project is done and leased up. But think about […]