ICYMI: Seattle For Growth Takes on Housing in Crosscut

Last week Crosscut gave me some real estate to talk about housing and why we’re not supportive of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ), especially the City of Seattle’s version of it, Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA). Simply put, what MHA is squeezes money out of the development of market rate housing and funnels it into a very […]

Seattle Wants to Tax Jobs: More Money, More Money, More Money!

Seattle as a city and as a government is becoming notorious for creating task forces, committees, and other convening’s to come up with solutions to “big problems.” Almost without exception, the task force states the problem as “severe” a “crisis” or a problem at such as scale to demand action now. Usually there are big […]

Winning Principles for Housing for the 2019 Legislative Session

As the legislative session winds down in Olympia, it isn’t too soon to start thinking about next year’s session. This year I think we did a pretty good job during the legislative session, defending the state’s preemption of local rent control measures, championing rural and urban collaboration with SB 6595, and forcing the non-profit industrial […]