I’ll Support the Jobs Tax If it Pays People’s Rent

Kshama Sawant is at it again. Later today she’ll assemble a mob demanding that the City tax Amazon and “big businesses” for $150 million per year to build affordable housing. This reveals her complete ignorance of what’s going on in housing production and weakens her credentials as a socialist. If she understood the housing market […]

Housing Trust Fund: Vacancy Rates Down in Many Rural Areas

We’ve looked at where Housing Trust Fund resources have gone between 2008 and 2016 by population, wages, and poverty. If need for housing subsidies is defined by income and poverty levels, clearly there’s a lot of need outside Seattle and King County, maybe more need. So what about vacancy rates in rural Washington. Vacancy rates […]

Housing Trust Fund: But Doesn’t King County Have the Most Poverty?

We’ve made the point that first, housing is expensive and time consuming to build and especially in Seattle and King County. Also, we’ve pointed out that King County and Seattle are getting the biggest share of statewide resources. We’ve pointed out already that rural counties have lower Area Median Incomes (AMI) and lower wages. But […]