Term Limits: The Displacement Debate Should Be Over

These days the debate about housing is characterized by how repetitive it has become; the debate seems to always cover the same ground and reach the same conclusion. For some the conclusion is we need more rules to keep prices in check and for others the conclusion is that we need fewer for more housing. […]

Baseball and Housing: Hitting, Pitching, and Supply Have a Simple Fix

I’ve long compared the hunger to regulate the housing market down to the color of doorknobs on the bathroom doors of new apartments with people’s view of something seemingly completely unrelated: baseball. As is often the case, my intuition — and just ambient awareness — is right. People like to see the outcomes they want […]

Digging Up Bones: Farmworker Housing Remains a Serious Need

I’ve written about it before, but this article goes back 20 years. Today’s shortage of farm labor (see: Washington growers struggle with a labor shortage) is made worse by lack of housing in rural Washington. Meanwhile the Housing Trust Fund pours more and more cash into pricey projects in Seattle, projects that are made more expensive […]