DADUTÉ: The Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit Tax Exemption Program
Yesterday, I wrote about a way to capture the value in thousands of backyards by creating a loan product that could spark a market in building and producing Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADUs) or backyard cottages as they are often called. Today, for those who think that $2500 is too expensive and want lower rents, […]
Separate But Unequal: How Subsidizing Units is Subsidizing Bad Policy
I’m preparing comments for the proposed changes to the way the Fair Housing Act is implemented. I’m out of town for a bit on Orcas Island. Here’s my opening thoughts. Denying access to housing based on race is unacceptable and inconsistent with American and basic moral principles of fairness and equal opportunity. The Fair Housing […]
Who’s On First? $180 Million from Mariners Won’t Buy Much Housing
After a nice trip out to Mazama I told myself I wouldn’t whine about how we do things around here. That didn’t last. Clearly the King County Council learned nothing from the jobs tax debacle in Seattle. Now the King County Council is creating a huge controversy about renovations to Safeco Field. I’m not even […]