The 652,000th Man: Seattle Tops Growth Chart
If the now retired and apparently found Casey Kasem did a top 40 for growing cities Seattle would be on the chart, holding the number one spot for the fastest growing city and the number 21 spot for overall population size. A Seattle Times blog post yesterday caught a lot of people’s attention, including me; […]
Small-Lot Legislation: The Final Decision
This is the testimony I plan to give at the meeting of the full Council around 2:30PM. There are no guarantees I’ll be heard since there is only 15 minutes for public comment and that only allows about about 6 or 7 people to speak at 2 minutes each. However, I’m posting this now, just […]
Regulation, Inflation, and Innovation: The Airline Example
After several months of tangling with advocates of price controls on housing and those who argue that more housing means higher housing prices, I had to watch this video from a PBS series called Commanding Heights. Commanding Heights is a series worth watching. You can’t watch this segment or any other part of the series […]