A Win for Affordable Housing? Not so fast.

By reading the headline of Ansel Herz’s story in The Stranger back in July about an apartment building in the Central District, you’d think that the scrappy Socialist party lead by the Tenants Union and Councilmember Kshama Sawant looked a greedy developer square in the eye and that the developer blinked. A private buyer had […]

More Family Housing: Change Values, Change Zoning

Earlier this year the Seattle Planning Commission released a Family Sized Housing Action Agenda calling for renewed efforts to create affordably priced housing for families in the City. Just recently A-P Hurd pointed out at the Atlantic’s City Lab blog that there are two regulatory hurdles that, when taken together, almost ensure that larger housing […]

Our Response to Proposed Housing Strategy Committee

August 6, 2014 Dear Councilmember Clark, Thank you for proposing a resolution to create a Comprehensive Housing Strategy Advisory Committee.  We think this is a step in the right direction since we have called for the City Council to develop a comprehensive housing plan[1]. Attached you will the find the names of the many people […]