Grand Bargain: 10 Questions for the Mayor and City Council (and City Attorney)

December 14, 2015 Dear Mayor Murray and Members of the City Council, In the days and weeks since the announcement of the Grand Bargain, concerns and uncertainty have grown among people who build housing and mixed-use development outside of Downtown and South Lake Union about how mandatory upzones associated with the Bargain will be implemented. […]

Out Damned Spot! Will O’Brien’s Upzoning Proposal Work?

Last week I saw the latest movie version of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, maybe my favorite of his plays. It was just OK, and if you really want the best film version watch Roman Polanski’s version (don’t forget Kurosawa’s brilliant adaptation). The play, like all things Shakespeare is about many things, but the plot centers on […]

Where’s the Profit in That?

So I am in a wrestling match. Right now I am trying to figure out how to explain in the simplest terms–what are often called layman’s terms–how real estate transactions work. Here’s the biggest problem: real estate professionals speak one language and lay people (a term borrowed from the division between the priesthood and everyone […]