Power of Narrative: Rent Control is Back (but it Never Left)
Remember the Renters’ Commission? The City passed legislation to create it a few years ago amid some tepid protest from those of us who felt it would, yes, simply be a City funded platform to organize for rent control. Of course, the Commission dutifully recommended on April 1 (seriously) that the City needed rent control. […]
Conclusion: Creating Housing Affordability: Fixing Seattle to Solve a Global Crisis
Mark Routon is an experienced real estate broker and a student at Seattle Central College. He passionately believes that stable and affordable housing is a crucial need that must be met in order for any community to flourish. Last quarter, Mark was tasked with writing a research paper for his English class, and he took […]
Part 2: Creating Housing Affordability: Fixing Seattle to Solve a Global Crisis
Mark Routon is an experienced real estate broker and a student at Seattle Central College. He passionately believes that stable and affordable housing is a crucial need that must be met in order for any community to flourish. Last quarter, Mark was tasked with writing a research paper for his English class, and he took […]