Real Change and John V. Fox: Council is Making it Worse
What is the sure sign that something unusual is happening in politics? When unlikely people start to agree on things that really matter to them. Public opinion is coalescing against the Seattle City Council’s iterative, glitchstep, overly cautious, and insular approach to housing policy. Real Change, a publication unalterably committed to doing the right thing […]
Value Capture: DPD, Councilmember Clark Hang Out “No Vacancy” Sign
In her post describing Smart Growth Seattle’s appeal of a proposed downzone of Seattle’s LR3, Erica Barnett explains that opponents of growth say that proposals to create more housing are Being rationalized [because] the added densities are needed to . . . get people out of their cars, curb sprawl and save the planet from […]
LR3 Rollback: SEPA Appeal Filed
Today Smart Growth Seattle filed an appeal of the City’s Determination of Non-Significance for legislation that would roll back a decade of progress toward welcoming growth in transit oriented neighborhoods. Last year a group of disgruntled and angry neighbors worked up an petition demanding a downzone in Seattle’s Low-Rise, or LR Zones. This petition was completely without any merit. […]