Daily Troll: Dear Joe, Give Me A Call!
There are days when there are so many things going on that I simply don’t have the hours in the day to respond to everything popping up in the media. Recently embittered neighbors (you can read Leroy Laney’s poetry here) “won” a lawsuit against a project on Harvard (and it was the City that “lost” […]
More Family Housing: Change Values, Change Zoning
Earlier this year the Seattle Planning Commission released a Family Sized Housing Action Agenda calling for renewed efforts to create affordably priced housing for families in the City. Just recently A-P Hurd pointed out at the Atlantic’s City Lab blog that there are two regulatory hurdles that, when taken together, almost ensure that larger housing […]
City Council: Can’t Find a House? Move to Oklahoma!
We nicknamed our video “they’re making it worse” for a reason. When Seattle City Council fails to do the right thing, good people move to….Oklahoma! The City has already lost a basketball team to the Sooner State, but now we’re losing real people who can’t find a place to live. Here’s a passage from a recent story in the […]