From Oregon: Model Code for DADUs

Eli Spevak who was a co-presenter with me several weeks ago on a panel exploring alternative housing models sent me a great blog post outlining a model code for what we call in Seattle DADUs or Detached Accessory Dwelling Units. This housing option has also been called backyard cottages. As editors of, we’d like […]

State Must Step Up to Housing Need

As executive directors of housing advocacy organizations, we hear a lot about the state’s affordable housing shortage. We hear from advocates with full time jobs, unable to find an apartment close to their work. We’ve listened in on the stories of families struggling to buy a home by their ideal school. Even our own staff members have recently had to move because of skyrocketing Seattle rents. […]

Housing Tax: Will “Eliminate . . . Sustainable Features.”

Local green developer Sloan Ritchie has delivered his verdict on Councilmember Mike O’Brien: It’s a bad idea. In an article in the Puget Sound Business Journal, Ritchie, founder of Cascade Built, talks about a project he just built, the first multifamily passive house in Seattle. Ritchie’s approach to building is articulated at the Cascade Built […]