O’Brien Plays Politics with Design Review, Mayor Opposes. 

As I said yesterday proposed legislation produced by the City Council to make changes to the low-rise zones is better than the Department of Planning and Development’s (DPD).  There are still problems (see my one house in a row post). One, ironically, is being pointed out by DPD itself: that the proposal’s addition of a […]

Rent Control on Blabbermouth

I was happy to wade into a debate about rent control on The Stranger’s Blabbermouth podcast last week. There aren’t many voices, including on the City Council (with the exception of Councilmember Bagshaw who attended a twist and shout meeting about rent control last week but wasn’t allowed to say anything), standing up to challenge the […]

Save the Date: DADU Lunch and Learn at Seattle City Council

A week from today, Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (PLUS) Committee Chair, Mike O’Brien will host a lunch and learn in the City Council Chambers at noon on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), especially Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADUs) or Backyard Cottages. While they go by different names, ADUs are essentially a way of adding another […]