Talking Points for Low-Rise Legislation
There have been lots of great communications to the Seattle City Council about low-rise legislation. Please take a minute and email the Council (here’s our petition page: and let them know your thoughts. Our petition page is already filled out. You can change that text. Not sure what to say? Here’s some ideas from […]
Low-Rise Battle: Filling the Missing Middle
I’ve written before about the importance of figuring out how to build more density into and around single-family and low-rise neighborhoods. For example, we talked about courtyard housing as a way to create more density and affordability. There’s a great term for this need: the missing middle. And there is a great website called the Missing […]
Low-Rise Legislation: Still Taking Away Supply, Choice, and Opportunity
This afternoon the Planning Land Use and Sustainability (PLUS) Committee of the Seattle City Council will consider legislation to make changes to Seattle’s low-rise zones. This is legislation that we have been fighting against for well over a year with some benefit. The legislation that is being proposed is nowhere near as bad as what […]