Out Damned Spot! Will O’Brien’s Upzoning Proposal Work?

Last week I saw the latest movie version of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, maybe my favorite of his plays. It was just OK, and if you really want the best film version watch Roman Polanski’s version (don’t forget Kurosawa’s brilliant adaptation). The play, like all things Shakespeare is about many things, but the plot centers on […]

"That’s Not What I Said:"O’Brien Reframes Bargain on Facebook

I usually don’t post on Fridays since traffic tends to fall off as people get ready for the weekend. But an interesting exchange took place on Facebook last night. When asked a direct question about proposed rezones in the Grand Bargain–an exchange of upzones for mandatory inclusion of rent restricted housing in new buildings–Councilmember O’Brien […]

Design Review Goof: Important Meeting for Builders on Wednesday, December 9

I’ve decided that my tombstone will have the following latin phrase carved into it: DIXI VOBIS. That roughly (and I was terrible at Latin so I welcome edits) translates to, “I told you so!” Dealing with members of the City Council, City Staff, “urbanists,” and press has taught me to keep careful track of what […]