Give Your Opinion on Rezone Maps
I’m not really sure how or whether the data will be used, but the City has an interesting interactive survey about the latest maps it has released showing proposed zoning changes as part of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ). The survey is hosted by and online survey tool that uses a slider and a visual representation of consensus. You can watch the video to get the idea. So far here’s what the survey responses look like:
If you look there on the right, this particular section about single-family zones has exactly three responses after about 5 days of the survey being open. That’s right, 3 people have bothered to register their opinion.’s website says it is, “The first forum that works better when more people participate.” Well, we’ll see. There is a sign up process that requires using an email and it takes some time. And it takes a bit to get used to how to use the slider and get your opinions entered. But I suggest everyone give it try. There has to be more than 3 people out there with an opinion about this.