Fire, Ready, Aim: The City Already Owns Land to Build Over 2000 Units

I think most people at the City, Crosscut, and the Seattle Times have their e-mail set up so that anything from my address goes directly into the trash. But still, I have to try. This goes back several years to when we were fighting against linkage taxes. I didn’t do this work but I don’t […]

Survey Says:Builders Oppose MIZ/MHA, Support Legal Challenge

The sample size is small, just 41 people. After doing many surveys over the years I’ve found that it is very difficult to get people to respond. It’s irritating. Until I consider that when I get surveys it often takes me a week to 10 days to respond and because I’ve fielded surveys I am […]

MIZ/MHA Won’t Work, but Is there a Compromise?

I was on a panel last week talking about housing and affordability for the University of Washington’s continuing education program for real estate professionals. I was pretty aggressive making my typical points about Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) and the City’s version of it, Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA). I made the usual points, that MIZ will […]