Are You Worried About Increases In the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET)?
Well, you should be. But were you concerned two and a half years ago when I wrote this? This Week in Olympia: Another Cash Grab by Non-Profit Housers Maybe not. Mostly, back then, I got shrugs and “whattyagonnados” from just about everyone I complained to about it. I expressed my concerns and doubts about messing […]
We Don’t Need Rent Control: We Already Have the MFTE Program, Rent Restrictions
Exactly a four years ago yesterday, I wrote a post at Publicola about why we don’t need rent control. The post was built on the idea that we already have thousands of rent restricted units, that is, units of housing that have rents that can’t go up because they are restricted to rents by covenant, […]
Eviction Propaganda is the Latest Fad on the Internet and Government
Everyone should be fed up with eviction being touted as an “epidemic” and as like the subprime crisis. We’re the only ones in the world that have stood up to these claims which are weakly researched by people in the press. I recently took on these two charges at Forbes. There Is No “Eviction Epidemic,” […]