No Fooling: Rent is Still Due Today
We sent this statement today to the media and business leaders in the city. Elected Officials Must Show Some Leadership On COVID-19 Impacts and HousingContact: Roger Valdez, 206-427-7707Many people and families are reeling from the impacts of the response to COVID-19, a response that is critical to save lives. Nothing like this has ever happened. […]
COVID-19 Relief: Help From King County on Property Tax
This is pretty straightforward and helpful news from King County just released today. Individual residential and commercial taxpayers who pay property taxes themselves, rather than through their mortgage lender, can delay payment until June 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. Banks and other financial institutions that pay property taxes on behalf of their […]
From A Seattle Housing Provider: Don’t Extend and Expand Eviction Ban
I own and manage rental property in your area. I urge you not to vote for the suspension and/or forgiveness of rental payments from tenants to landlords due to the Covid-19 lockdown. The lockdown is unfortunate for everyone but the economic ramifications should not be disproportionately carried by landlords. As housing providers our responsibilities have […]