Seattle Doesn’t Need Impact Fees

As if things weren’t bad enough, the Seattle City Council is considering impact fees, the charges applied to new development allowed by State law to off set the impacts of new growth. Largely limited to the suburbs, impact fees add costs to new housing and therefore increase the price of that housing. In a way, […]

HALA Needs Neighborhood Development Managers to Survive

Here’s a Facebook exchange over at City Builders about my last post about neighborhood process and the recommendations of the Mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee in which I pointed out that the HALA Committee WAS the public process for future upzones that will create affordable housing: Michael Taylor-Judd NO, the process was NOT […]

The Latest on HALA: Too Early to be Worried?

I’m worried about where the Seattle City Council seems to be going with the recommendations of the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee recommendations. Maybe it’s because just before yesterday’s HALA select committee meeting they voted down, 7 to 2, a sensible amendment to back off a legally dubious requirement for a project not […]