Baseball and Housing: Hitting, Pitching, and Supply Have a Simple Fix

I’ve long compared the hunger to regulate the housing market down to the color of doorknobs on the bathroom doors of new apartments with people’s view of something seemingly completely unrelated: baseball. As is often the case, my intuition — and just ambient awareness — is right. People like to see the outcomes they want […]

Impact Fees: Herbold’s Plan to Save Money for Homeowners and Raise Rents

The following is a slightly edited version of a fundraising email I sent out yesterday. Seattle For Growth is the only group in town that calls this stuff out. It’s amazing to me that the Seattle City Council will keep utility rates for single-family home owners low at the expense of raising rates for renters. […]

Changing the Housing Trust Fund to the Housing Supply Fund

Yesterday I shared the defensive response from the Department of Commerce which argued that the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is having statewide impact and that data showing a disparity between rural and urban Washington should be ignored. Don’t worry, the Department says, all that money is going a long way. As they suggest, many rural […]