Take the Survey on Minimum Room and Dwelling Unit Sizes
I’ve been serving on a subcommittee of the Construction Code Advisory Board (CCAB) on smaller living spaces. I know, what’s the CCAB? Well, the CCAB is a hard working group of experts in various fields of construction and building that review changes to the building code. The building code is a powerful way of ensuring […]
MIZ Example: No Value Exchange, Just Higher Prices
I’ve been writing about the problems with Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) for a long time now. In short, MIZ is infeasible, inflationary, and most likely illegal. The idea of extracting money to pay for rent restricted housing might be a good political solution but it would add costs that would make some projects infeasible and […]
Tale of Two Maps: Seattle Mayor and Council Draw New Redline
National Geographic has a very interesting post called, “Newly Released Maps Show How Housing Discrimination Happened.” The post highlights a project called Mapping Inequality led by Nathan Connolly, an urban historian at Johns Hopkins University and others at the National Archives that digitized maps made by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation known as HOLC. The HOLC was […]