Huh? CHS Links MIZ/MHA With Roy Vue Renew
Last week the Capitol Hill Seattle (CHS) blog produced a non-sequitur with a post called, “So you want to save the Royvue?” First of all, the Roy Vue doesn’t need saving. It’s not going anywhere. A proposal is in the works to convert the 90 year old Capitol Hill building from 34 larger units to […]
Changing the Housing Trust Fund to the Housing Supply Fund
Yesterday I shared the defensive response from the Department of Commerce which argued that the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is having statewide impact and that data showing a disparity between rural and urban Washington should be ignored. Don’t worry, the Department says, all that money is going a long way. As they suggest, many rural […]
Housing Trust Fund: Department of Commerce on the Defensive
I’ve been told that “lots of people are mad” about my criticism of how the non-profit housing industrial complex operates. But almost never does anyone engage the criticism directly; one common theme I’ve heard from the proponents of the status quo is “it doesn’t work that way.” I’d put a recent email from the Department […]