MIZ/MHA Won’t Work, but Is there a Compromise?
I was on a panel last week talking about housing and affordability for the University of Washington’s continuing education program for real estate professionals. I was pretty aggressive making my typical points about Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) and the City’s version of it, Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA). I made the usual points, that MIZ will […]
JLARC Study of Why Non-Profit Housing is So Expensive Gets Underway
Well, it’s here. It’s happening. Can you believe it? Yes, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) staff has assembled a research team and has framed the questions it will answer about housing costs in the state. The study will look at what data best gets as the question of how to compare market […]
UpZones Podcast: Wide-Ranging Conversation on Housing, Land Use, and More
I had the honor and opportunity to be a guest on another local podcast, UpZones, curated and hosted by Ian Martinez. It really is true that one on one conversation can often be far more productive than bashing things out with a crowd in comments sections online. More than once I’ve been told that in person […]