Council Flips and Flops: Repeal of Tax on Jobs Set for Noon Today
What’s a more stunning indictment of an elected body, making horrible policy on weak principles or, when confronted with an angry public after doing that, doing a 180 and repealing the policy? The Seattle City Council will have done both when later today by most reports they will repeal the tax on jobs they passed […]
It’s Not the Code but Lack of Financing the Prevents DADUs
The latest big social media buzz in and around City Hall is the fight between some angry neighbors and the City over the last round of regulations on Detached Accessory Dwelling Units or DADUs and also called back yard cottages. The recent regulation was appealed by the neighbors and was bogged down in an additional […]
Fear, Loathing, and Confusion Persist About Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning
Last week the Puget Sound Business Journal ran a story called “Ahead of HALA: Fear and loathing among small real estate developers.” The story is locked behind a pay wall, but here’s a key paragraph: HALA is built on the idea that even with the added fees, the MHA program is worth it since developers […]