Leadership: Can It Happen Here?
All right. Hell with this country, if it’s like that. All these years I’ve worked—and I never did want to be on all these committees and boards and charity drives!—and don’t they look silly now! What I always wanted to do was to sneak off to an ivory tower—or anyway, celluloid, imitation ivory—and read everything […]
Error Message: Seattle Times Keeps Missing the Mark on MIZ and MHA
This is my response to the recent editorial in the Seattle Times on Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) and Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA), the City of Seattle’s scheme to take money from new housing development and give it to non-profits. It is only the latest in a long serious of communications with the Times to get […]
Full Disclosure? City’s Responses on MHA Questions More Peculiar than Helpful
We’re in the early stages of putting together a legal challenge of the City’s version of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) called Mandatory Housing Affordability. The case may well rest on the most obvious of economic and legal questions, “How does new housing create an impact to the City by causing housing prices to go up,” and […]