Seattle For Growth Et Al : Our Appeal of Impact Fees is now Scheduled

It’s probably because I am a geek, but I love seeing “Seattle for Growth ET AL” at the top of our appeal. Because we filed first, the case has our name on it. Even better, a group called the Seattle Mobility Coalition has filed an appeal too and they have a top notch attorney. I’ve […]

A Voice in the Wilderness: Another Letter to the Mayor and Council on MHA

I thought the Seattle City Council needed at least one more record of dissent about the imposition of their Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) scheme on the whole city. I sent this letter after my editorial appeared in the Seattle Times. It is the season of Advent, an observance of waiting and reflection before Christmas that […]

Comments to the Legislature on JLARC Findings

Last week we sent the legislature these comments on the findings and recommendations of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee’s (JLARC) analysis of housing costs across the non-profit and for-profit sectors. The JLARC review was precipitated by language in the 2017 Washington State operating budget we requested. I’ve written about the results but I’ve heard […]