DPD Recommendations on Microhousing: Why Subject a Good Thing to a Bad Process?
What follows is the text of a letter sent by Smart Growth Seattle last week in response to the Department of Planning and Development’s recommendations to the City Council on microhousing. The Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee will soon be considering legislation that would affect future microhousing developments; that legislation is likely to be […]
Seattle Times: Fewer Rules, More Housing
Affordability is a relationship to price, a relationship that is conditioned by a person’s income and expenses. This dependence on income and expenses is just as true for food as it is for housing and other of life’s essentials; the less money we earn, the more money we spend, the more expensive and less affordable […]
Microhousing Group Responds to Questions Raised by City Council
A few weeks ago, Seattle City Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen, Sally Clark, and Nick Licata issued a memo to the Department of Planning and Development asking them to draft legislation and to find answers to a number of questions about microhousing. Here is that memo: Council Microhousing Memo Final052413 Smart Growth Seattle has convened a group […]