Regulation, Inflation, and Innovation: The Airline Example
After several months of tangling with advocates of price controls on housing and those who argue that more housing means higher housing prices, I had to watch this video from a PBS series called Commanding Heights. Commanding Heights is a series worth watching. You can’t watch this segment or any other part of the series […]
Public Hearing on Microhousing on Monday
Please plan on attending this important hearing on a type of housing that is working well for many people in our city. The City Council needs to hear from people who support microhousing as a crucial part of meeting housing demand in neighborhoods where people want to live the most. I’ll be writing more this […]
The 100 Percent Rule: A Year of Preschool for 800 Kids
In my last post about the importance of the 100 percent rule staying in small-lot legislation I talked about the impact of creating 250 new homes, including jobs and tax revenue. Councilmember Tim Burgess has suggested that this number of homes is not “meaningful.” But based on methodology developed by the National Association of Home […]