Housing on the Seattle Channel

While you were all out trick or treating, the Seattle Channel aired this great discussion on affordable housing. In the world of television, 30 minutes is an eternity; but the housing discussion needs more time. Still, we got a lot of good discussion in, and this program advanced the importance of the issue. My point: […]

How Liberals Make Life Worse for the Poor

I was sent two articles (one in The Atlantic the other in Bloomberg View)  this last week about the fact that in the United States that more liberal and progressive cities usually have very expensive housing, so expensive that it can be linked to greater income inequality between the have’s and the have-nots in a […]

Supply and Demand Clock: What Time is it?

I am presenting at a Continuing Legal Education Seminar hosted by The Seminar Group today. The chair of the seminar is Blaine Weber from Weber Thompson Architects. He kicked off the seminar with one of the best charts illustrating supply and demand I’ve ever seen. It’s the featured image above, but here it is again: […]