Housing Voucher Program Provides Second Chances

It’s Christmas Eve, and the central and orienting narrative of the Christian faith is the story of a savior, born as a human being in a humble manger, offering forgiveness and redemption. Much can be made of the fact that story finds the protagonists with no proper housing situation in light of the fact that […]

Smart Growth Seattle: A Year in Review

This post is also an article in the January edition of Master Builder, the print magazine of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. I made a presentation about Smart Growth Seattle to the Community Development Round Table in January of this year at a regular meeting of local business leaders convened by […]

From Oregon: Model Code for DADUs

Eli Spevak who was a co-presenter with me several weeks ago on a panel exploring alternative housing models sent me a great blog post outlining a model code for what we call in Seattle DADUs or Detached Accessory Dwelling Units. This housing option has also been called backyard cottages. As editors of www.accessorydwellings.org, we’d like […]