Seattle as an Open City: Seattle’s Growth and Rising Housing Costs

The central argument of this post is that Seattle is facing a crisis of housing scarcity, and so municipal zoning restrictions on the supply of housing should be lifted. Seattle is currently the fastest growing large city in the United States. According to U.S. Census figures, in the one-year period from July 2012 through July […]

Hold the Date!

There are some dates you should get in your calendar. First, we’ll be having our regular monthly breakfast meeting next week, on Thursday, March 12th. This meeting has been transferred to the second Thursday of the month. That’s because I have a meeting on linkage taxes that coincides with the first Thursday. The breakfast is […]

Why Director’s Rule Won’t Solve Parking and Affordability Issues

I’ve been getting the calls for weeks now about projects that are being adversely impacted by a Hearing Examiner Decision back in December that changed the way frequent transit service is calculated. The Hearing Examiner ruled that the GIS map and averaging the gaps between the arrival and departure of buses could no longer be used […]