Primary Election 2015: Better Than Expected?
I’ll admit that I’ve been pretty cynical about this year’s election. I didn’t even vote for a candidate for City Council because they are all so bad on our issues. But candidates who ran on explicitly NIMBY and anti HALA (Housing Affordabily and Livabiliy Agenda) Committee platforms (Grant, Bradburd, and Provine) got a thumping. Their […]
What the HALA Do We Do Now?
Lots of people are annoyed by the Mayor’s climb down on expanding housing supply in single-family neighborhoods, a key recommendation from his own Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee. I am. But what should we do? Some have said we need to move on and put energy into preserving other elements of the HALA […]
Council Candidates Desperate for “Likes,” Lack Leadership; I’m Voting “Present”
Tomorrow voting ends in the most important election that Seattle has ever had, and I can’t make up my mind what to do. This year all nine council seats are up for grabs and there are 47 candidates running for those nine spots. When it comes to land use and housing issues, the ones that […]