Cats and NIMBYs Together at Last
We all know that posts about cats fuel the internet, and posts by, from, and about NIMBYs end up dominating internet comment threads about growth and development. Imagine putting these two things together. Well, someone finally did it in a post making the rounds on Facebook now called 9 Things People Always Say at Zoning […]
Grand Bargain: This Isn’t Going to be Easy
I was on the Seattle Channel last week with Councilmember Mike O’Brien, Eastlake resident and micrhousing opponent Linda Alexander, and affordable housing developer and Grand Bargain signer Bill Rumpf. If you watch this whole show you’ll notice that the Grand Bargain is a lot more complicated than the group Seattle For Everyone (a group organized […]
‘Equity’ is a Cover for Redistributing Wealth to Single-Family Home Owners
The housing discussion in Seattle is so rife with jingoism and rhetorical sawdust that trying to figure out what the housing problem ( if there is a problem at all) might be and how best to solve it is exceedingly difficult. Phrases like “social justice” and “equity” are frequently thrown about and it is impossible to tell […]