Tacocat: Looking at Growth With Humor and Optimism
The This whole week has been cat themed and that was not planned, honest. And so, to keep it consistent, the last post of the week is also about a cat, Tacocat, a Seattle band with a video about new development on Capitol Hill. To be accurate, the song lyrics to Bridge to Hawaii (2014) […]
Surprise! People Get Housing Supply and Demand at City Hall
There are times in meetings when someone says something that makes your jaw drop open. This week that happened to me. While in a meeting about a complex issue about how Seattle City Light gets service to properties that are being divided up into more than one parcel. It’s a complicated issue involving the City’s […]
Krugman:Deregulate to Create Equity
Typically the housing narrative from the political left goes something like this: rich people are crowding into cities demanding luxury housing and that’s why everyone else is being priced out. According to this story, housing is expensive because it’s really the bricks and mortor equivalent of a new Maseratti. And what’s the best way to […]