Latino Politics from the A’s to the Z’s
A version of this post appeared yesterday in Publicola. In 1992 I returned to the Seattle area after two years in graduate school in Southern California. Before that, I was an undergraduate at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. I paid very little attention to local politics; I was more likely to be reading […]
George Lucas on the Down Side of Star Wars: “There’s More to it Than That.”
You didn’t think you’d be reading about Star Wars here did you? Well, here’s my Star Wars post. Why Star Wars? Well, George Lucas, the creator of the epic series of films, did an interview with Charlie Rose at the end of last year talking about his feelings about saying goodbye to Star Wars (he […]
Folkenomics: McArdle Takes Down Bernie Sander’s Economics
I’ve heard it and seen it over and over on Facebook and in person and on the streets: we should just cut people loose of their student loan debt or their mortgage debt because it’s the right thing to do. One thing progressives and socialists are fond of doing is lashing out at The Banks […]