City Doesn’t Want 100 Percent Participation in MFTE

The City of Seattle has a mystifying but ultimately understandable attitude toward one of it’s most successful housing programs, the Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program. The MFTE program has efficiently created thousands of units of rent restricted housing by reducing property taxes on a new housing project and that deferred tax is passed on to […]

The Lawyers: Linkage is Illegal but What About the Bargain Part 2

Yesterday, I posted the text of a letter signed by a group of respected land use lawyers concerning linkage taxes. They thought linkage was illegal and said so in a very bold statement. But how do their comments apply to the Mandatory Inclusion Zoning (MIZ) element in the Grand Bargain. I’ve gone through the letter […]

The Lawyers: Linkage is Illegal but What About the Grand Bargain?

During the run up to the passage of a linkage resolution there was a great deal of angst in the developer and builder community. One response was a legal one. Just before the passage of the resolution some noted local land use attorneys sent a red flag letter to the Mayor pointing out that the […]