Does Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Work?
I’ve been obsessed (as one Facebook commenter said) with trying to disentangle the recommendations of the HALA Committee from the Grand Bargain. The ideas in HALA are not dependent on the Grand Bargain’s mandatory inclusionary zoning scheme. And it is crucial as the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing requirements are discussed that everyone think the proposal all […]
Cheerleading Won’t Help Confusion About HALA and Grand Bargain
Yes, confusion. And being confused about the Mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee’s recommendations is not the sign of being poorly informed or not that bright. It is confusing, especially if you’re not doing this work all day. Over the weekend I pointed out on the City Builders page on Facebook that even […]
Doing the Math: MFTE Creates Many More Housing Units Than Grand Bargain
Let’s take a super quick look at a couple projects that participated in the City’s Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program, a very successful program that has produced thousands of units of rent restricted housing for people earning between 60 and 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI). The MFTE works by giving a property tax […]