Will Speaker Chopp Open His Eyes?

After checking State law and asking a former colleague in the non-profit housing profession, I confirmed that many if not most non-profit, subsidized affordable housing projects don’t pay property taxes. This is what makes the opposition by State Representative Frank Chopp, Speaker of the House, of legislation to expand the Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program […]

A Builder Perspective: Why Housing Is So Expensive.

Last week I went to a meeting with Seattle City Light with about a dozen small builders who work mainly in the south end of the City or just outside it but are still served by Seattle City Light. They were mad. For many of them, the meeting was the last desperate attempt to get […]

More on SCOTUS and MIZ

I mentioned last week that the United States Supreme Court decided not to hear the case against a Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) scheme in San Jose. I pointed out that the decision has no bearing on the proposed MIZ scheme here in Seattle; the San Jose law is for for-sale housing only and the legal issues […]