Sonja Trauss on MIZ: What’s Actually Going to Happen

Last Thursday one of my heros, Sonja Trauss, was in town because I invited her to speak at the Seattle Builders Council dinner. We all had a good time. And Trauss did not disappoint with her presentation, challenging the audience to talk differently about housing, and profit, and how we need more housing to solve […]

Living in the City: Opponents, Quarters, Anonymity, and Spontaneity

The term “urbanist” and “urbanism” have been weighed down with more significance than they deserve, then trivialized and emptied of meaning by overuse. I think “urbanist” is one who talks about cities, and buildings, and policies, and articles, and statistics. But living in a city is how we can experience and know why they work […]

KIRO on MIZ: “Building More is Not Free”

While the Mayor was able to hold a press conference to announce his Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) scheme yesterday, he and his staff still haven’t produced the math to show whether or how it would work. Here’s what I said on KIRO TV’s report on the Mayor’s announcement: “Building more is not free,” he said. […]