A Builder Weighs in On Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning
Rob McVicars is a principal and builder at Build Sound, a firm with the mission “to compose inspired, timeless architecture, and green, sustainable projects. He sent this comment in to the Mayor and Seattle City Council about the Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) scheme being proposed by the Mayor and considered by the Seattle City Council. You can send […]
Knee Deep in The Big Muddy: Will City Press On with MIZ?
June 20, 2016 Re: Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Proposal in PLUZ Committee on 6/20/2016 Mayor Murray and Councilmembers, Attached you will find a three page list of process hang ups, rules, regulations, and code language that each add time and cost to the production of housing in Seattle. Each of these is a solvable challenge and […]
Lot Suit: City’s Motion to Dismiss Fails, Compares Housing to Porn, Drugs
Often, when the City is challenged in court, they make procedural motions to try and kill the appeal or suit before the merits of the case can be argued. The City made this move when they move to dismiss our appeal of low-rise legislation as the work of “a creature of the internet.” That move failed […]